SharePoint Document Library and Review Template

Description of Template
The Document Library and Review SharePoint template helps teams manage the review and feedback on documents. The template begins by providing Document Workspace functionality, such as allowing team members to upload documents, automatically retain old versions and check the document out for editing offline. Additional functionality is then built in to allow the users to designate which versions are ‘Published as a Major Version’, allowing team members to track which versions are critical to the review process.
The Document Library and Review template also adds the unique feature of allowing threaded discussions on each document directly within the Windows SharePoint Services site. This allows users to manage and retain threads regarding a document in the same place where the document resides. The site administrator can utilize the features included within the template to view discussion threads, filter by topic, or create other customizable views.

Activities Performed in this Application Template

  • Upload single or multiple files into the document library.
  • Automated version control and version restore capabilities protect against accidentally writing over critical work.
  • Enable users to ‘check out’ the document for offline editing. While the document is checked out, other users can open a read-only copy, but cannot edit and save changes.
  • Organize documents into three categories: Recent Additions, Recent Changes and My Documents. This categorization dashboard allows users to quickly see which documents have been uploaded and which have been recently changed. It also allows users to quickly locate documents they have uploads, by automatically providing a filtered view of the documents they’ve uploaded.
  • Manage conversation about a document with threaded discussions. This feature allows users to start a discussion and reply to others’ comments. The template organizes the threads by version, enabling easier tracking of the discussion document. When used together with an RSS reader, such as the one included in Microsoft Office Outlook, end users can subscribe to feeds directly from the Windows SharePoint Services site. This enables end users to keep track of updates to the threaded discussions without the need to constantly check the Document Library and Review template.

Site Lists and Libraries
Documents for Review: A list used to manage documents submitted for team review.
Announcements: Use the Announcement list to post messages to the home page of your site.
Document Review Discussions: A list to track document review discussions by document version.

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