SharePoint Employee Activities Site Template

Description of Template
The Employee Activities Site SharePoint template helps manage the proposal, scheduling and sign-up of activities offered to employees. The site provides functionality to manage a proposal to create an employee activity. Activity managers can then take that proposal and convert it into a scheduled event using the site’s scheduling functionality. After an activity is scheduled, employees can sign up for these events and, if a conflict occurs, remove themselves from the list of attendees. The site automatically tracks the maximum number of attendees, if applicable, and provides a dashboard where users can view a list of events they are signed up for and those which they are planning. The site also includes libraries where related event documents and pictures can be uploaded as well as a place for company-wide announcements.

Activities Performed in this Application Template

  • Activity Proposals: Employee activities can be generated through many channels, but the Employee Activities Site helps manage these by offering a location to manage the creation of activities proposals. Those wishing to propose an event visit the site to create a proposal, entering information such as Proposal Activity Title, Location, Description, Contact information, links to relevant web-sites and the maximum number of participants. The proposal is saved and can be viewed along with other proposals that have been submitted by employees.
  • Creation of Activity: Creation of a new employee activity can be done either by converting a proposal to an activity or by entering information directly about the activity. Most likely, proposals will be converted to an activity by clicking on the link “create activity from proposals”. The page lists the proposals made and also includes a link to ‘create’ the activity. Clicking on the link begins a workflow which asks for the event start and end times. Once the activity is created, employees are able to view and sign up for the event.
  • Sign-up for Activities: Once an activity has been created, employees can view and sign up for the event. They are asked to confirm their intent, which launches a workflow to add the employee to the sign-up list.

Each employee will have a filtered view on their Employee Activities Site home page which shows the events they are currently registered for as well as the status of the proposals they have submitted. Employees can use this site to remove themselves from the registration list by clicking the ‘Remove Me’ link under the ‘Activities I’m Attending’ heading. Event organizers can view a complete list of those who have signed up by visiting the ‘Sign-Up’ list. A full list of attendees and time/date registered is available.

Site Lists and Libraries
Activities: Lists all the activities that have been created.
Announcements: List announcements that you wish the team to view.
Proposals: Lists proposed activities including descriptions, classroom and maximum number of attendees.
Sign-Ups: Lists the individuals who have signed up for an employee activity including date and time sign-up was received.

Click to view what your options are to implement the application in Sharepoint.