SharePoint Project Tracking Workspace Template

Description of Template
The Project Tracking Workspace SharePoint template is designed to help teams list and view project issues, tasks and status from a central location. The template provides helps drive project status reporting, including a dashboard showing the overall status of all project tasks and issues. Tasks can be assigned to users allowing user specific dashboard tracking of responsibilities. Users can also use the template to update other team members on the status of their work. Using a Gantt chart, the project manager can see a single graphical representation of the tasks that need to be completed as well as how complete the task is currently. The template also allows team members to upload and share project related documents with a Shared Documents folder, and allows team members to list only the items that are important to them, such as outstanding owned tasks and issues.

Activities Performed in this Application Template

  • Dashboard representation of issues and tasks status including percent of tasks labeled as not started, completed, in progress, deferred or waiting.
  • User specific dashboard of owned tasks and issues including information on percentage completed, priority and due date.
  • Listing of unassigned items, which allows a Project Manager to use the template to assign owners to tasks and issues while allowing any member of the team to create new items.
  • Gantt Chart listing of Project Tasks, including the ability to edit the start and end dates directly within the Gantt Chart. Through shading of the Gantt Chart task lines, project managers can see at a glance the completion status of each item.
  • Using the template, project managers can set priorities for tasks and issues as well as enter a required due date the assigned owner needs to meet.
  • New issues can be linked to existing issues that are related, making it simpler for a team member to research all issues that might be related to the one they own.

Site Lists and Libraries
Project Issues: A list of all issues related to a project including Issue ID, Title, Owner, Issue Status, Priority and Due Date.
Project Tasks: A list of all tasks related to a project including information on priority, status, percent complete, owner, description, start date and end date.
Shared Documents: Team members can upload documents and share them with the team through the SharePoint site.

Customized Web Parts
The Project Tracking Workspace template consists of these web parts to add additional functionality to the SharePoint site:
Gantt.aspx: The main page of the template includes a web part (Gantt.axpx) which controls the display of tasks in a Gantt chart. The view can be customized using the Edit feature within Windows SharePoint Services.
Dashboard: The dashboard of the site, shown above, is created in XSL and is a web part that lists the status of project tasks and project issues.

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